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Your Heart beat ~ My Heart Beat ~ One Heart Beat

About Us

One Heart Beat (OHB) is a Global Movement of Loving and Helping our

World and Global Family.

OHB Around the World has four Global Mandates:

美麗中國夢 Beautiful China Dream WH Peony_edited.jpg
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Helping the Suffering and Needy People of the World

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Preserving and Saving Our Global Environment

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Fighting Global Sickness and Fulfilling the Medical Needs of Our Global Family

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Supporting Art and Culture Globally and Locally

The Founder


"Love and Hope makes all our hearts.


Without Hope, we have no Direction to live.


Without Love, we have no Reason to live. "

William Ho, Founder


"LOVE and HOPE makes all our hearts.


Without HOPE, we have no Direction to live.


Without LOVE, we have no Reason to live."

William Ho is an internationally renowned artist, Principal Artist of The ONE Gallery, Goodwill Ambassador of Love and Hope, and Founder of the One Heart Beat around the World, a movement helping needy people and suffering children of the world through art, culture, and relief work.  He is a philosopher, speaker, writer, humanitarian, environmentalist, and the Principal Artist of The ONE Gallery, famous for his poetic art creations and passionate speech. Mr. Ho has been invited to deliver his speeches on LOVE, HOPE, BEAUTY and HARMONY at the United Nations, and around the globe. He creates world class art for international organizations including the United Nations (UN).  Mr. Ho's One Heart Beat Award has been awarded to Heads of States, Nobel Prize Winner Bishop Desmond Tutu, and UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon of the UN. His awards and art are masterpieces carrying timeless messages of LOVE, HOPE, LIFE, ART, and NATURE to the world.  His art has been exhibited and installed in international museums, galleries, public venues such as the UN and Parliament Hill of Canada, as well as in important private and public collections around the world. 

Mr. Ho's painting One Heart Beat is currently installed at the UN Headquarters in New York. The One Heart Beat is a single stroke-concept, brushstroke painting, which symbolises the simple truth that all human beings share One Heart Beat as a unified Global Family. This meaning became the underlying foundation for the One Heart Beat Award, as well as the rest of the One Heart Beat movement. He sculpted the One Heart Beat Award and presented the individually-made award sculptures to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Nobel Price winner Bishop Desmond Tutu, the 61st and 62nd Presidents of the UN General Assembly, Chairman of the G77 of UN and H.E Leonel Antonio Fernandez, President of the Dominican Republic, and among others, in recognition of their support and efforts to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The award presentation ceremonies take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and are viewed by the world. 


Mr. Ho sees lives as the most beautiful masterpieces of art. He makes art become living come alive and creates soul up-lifting art creations for the world.


Mr. Ho combines his passion for the suffering people of the world, and his backgrounds in art, culture, city planning, philosophy, poetry, writing, broadcasting, teaching and speaking, to travel world-wide including to with the UN to speak and share his art, passion, and vision of Love, Hope, Life, Art and Nature LOVE, HOPE, LIFE, ART, and NATURE. As founder of the One Heart Beat around the World, his greatest wish for the movement is to use these motifs to help needy people and suffering children of the world through art, culture, and relief work.


By invitation, Mr. Ho has created for the One Heart Beat Award for the United Nations Family the One Heart Beat Award to award to Heads of State, world leaders, and the international communities for their achievements in promoting the UN's Millenium Development Goals MDGs to benefit the world.


Mr. Ho's painting One Heart Beat is currently installed at the UN Headquarters in New York. Mr. Ho is also the author of the Chinese version of  Canadian anthem "O Canada". His book, "A Journey from the Heart to the World", was launched to the world by the UN at the UN Headquarters. He was the invited Key Featured Artist of the Toronto Art Expo. 


William Ho is the Principal Artist of The ONE Gallery in Canada. He was the invited Key Featured Artist of the Toronto Art Expo. 

Mr. Ho is also author of a Chinese version of the Canadian anthem, "O Canada".


This art piece is based on Mr. Ho's One Stroke Concept Painting One Heart Beat to manifest the simple truth that we human beings are all sharing the same One Heart Beat as one Global Family.


Mr. Ho travels worldwide to share his passion and vision on LOVE, HOPE, LIFE and ART.


William Ho, an internationally renowned professional artist who trained in China, Hong Kong and Canada, is famous for his poetic and eclectic creations (move to top), particularly in Chinese brush painting, sculptures, and living art creations. His paintings embody the classical form of Chinese brush painting, vibrant colors, and the unique poetic imagination, which captures the rhythm of nature and celebrates the beauty of life. His deep appreciation of life harmonizes with his poetic sense of expression, resulting in soul-uplifting creations. 


Mr. Ho has been frequently invited to different museums, galleries and public places in various parts of the world. With backgrounds in art and culture, city planning, international affairs, and theology, Mr. Ho has been a commentator and program host for various radio programs across the world on love, hope, beauty, nature, art, culture, ethnic and ethical issues. He travels around the world to teach and share his vision and passion on Hope, Love. Life and Art.


Many of Mr. Ho's students are currently well-known artists and are also teachers in different universities and art institutes in culture and art. Mr. Ho's teaching in art is deeply rooted in the Chinese Confucianism philosophy and Chinese culture, which enables his students to see the beauty of nature and to understand the cultural foundation of the artistic and poetic expression of Chinese art. He believes that This is important so that people do not only allows people to appreciate Chinese brush painting, but also attain the profound state of mind of Chinese culture, eternity, immensity, and to deepen their appreciation of the beauty of nature and life NATURE and LIFE


William Ho is a profound thinker and writer, and has a deep love for children. He sees children carrying our Future and wants to give the Future more Hope and Love. He has said, Love and Hope make the hearts of all people. Hope gives us Direction to live and Love gives us Reason to live!



"Children are our Future - 

let's give the Future more HOPE and LOVE through One Heart Beat!" 

© 2024 by One Heart Beat

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