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Our Partners

Uplifted Youth

Global Collaboration Partners

Include the United Nations and UN Family, such as the International Renewable Energy Organization (IREO)


One Heart Beat International Communities:

Include Asia - Shenzhen, BaoAn, and Macau (China)

Africa - Accra (Ghana)

Central America - Panama City (Panama), the Dominican Republic

North America - Toronto, Richmond Hill, Markham, and York Region (Canada)


One Heart Beat Cities and Regional Partners

Include the Region of York, the Cities of Toronto and Richmond Hill, Markham, Canada; and the Cities of Shenzhen and Macau, China.

Local Partners

Include the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Teresa Group (Toronto Sick Kids Hospital), World Vision, Salvation Army, Chi Hang Foundation, York Centre for Youth, the Kay Morris Foundation and The ONE Gallery.

International Panel of Reference:

Include Ban Ki Moon (Former Secretary General of the United Nations), H.E Father Miguel Escoto Brockmann, M.M. (President of the 63rd UN General Assembly), H.E. Dr. Srgjan Kerim (President of the 62nd UN General Assembly), H.E. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa (President of the 61st UN General Assembly), and Amir A. Dossal (Former Executive Director of UN Partnerships).

The One Heart Beat Community is part of the worldwide movement and mobilization of Global Citizens across the globe to cherish and manifest the One Heart Beat (OHB) passion, to spread and fulfill the OHB vision, to own and organize the OHB mission, and to put OHB into action, from global partnership to local ownership, turning Global Passion into Local Action.


“One Heart Beat is the Vision and Passion in my heart responding to the reality that we human beings are all brothers and sisters in the Global Family and we all share the very same One Heart Beat. Your Heart Beat, My Heart Beat, One Heart Beat! We have to love one another. The One Heart Beat Around the World Vision, Passion, Mission, Action, and Movement strives to ignite our hidden passionate hearts and creative minds in all of us to see what others cannot, say what others dare not and do what others care not!


Love and Hope make all our hearts.  

Hope gives us Direction to live; Love give us Reason to live.  

Let us give our World and the Future more Love and Hope.

Remember this! LOVE will LIVE as we all LIVE to LOVE!

May our LIVING LIVES will become LOVING LIVES as well.”


-William Ho -

Universities and Educational Partners

Include Beijing University, University of Toronto, Tyndale University (Toronto). 

Recipients of the One Heart Beat Award

Include Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Prize winner, Presidents of the UN General Assembly, and President of the Dominican Republic, etc.


Recipients of funds or support from One Heart Beat or William Ho's associates:

Include the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Teresa Group (Toronto Sick Kids Hospital), World Vision, Salvation Army, Chi Hang Foundation and Kay Morris Foundation, etc.


Collectors of Mr. William Ho's Art:

Include the United Nations Headquarters, Parliament Hill of Canada, Government of the United States of America, Government of Hong Kong, City of Shenzhen in China, Museum of Nature in Ottawa, York Region of Ontario, City of Toronto, City of Richmond Hill, City of Markham, Beijing University, University of Toronto and Tyndale University, etc.


Respecting the original OHB vision and passion, the OHB Partners and Members among the OHB Global Family and Communities participate as international organizations, national entities, local communities, institutes, and/or as individuals.

The OHB Around the World movement respects and recognizes the local needs of different communities as unique and one-of-a-kind. We encourage local communities to voice out their needs and extend their helping hands toward the needs of the others in the world as well.  


We see that, collectively and individually, human beings have the privilege and responsibility to:


Care for others, Share with others and Love One another in our Hearts, Minds, Souls and Actions.  The difference between L-I-V-E and L-O-V-E is the letter I, which stands for only I or myself, and the letter O, which symbolizes Others.  May we all live with love to care for Others, share with Others, and love One another, so that our Living lives will also be Loving lives. We are all born to Love and to be Loved in Hope. LOVE will LIVE as we all LIVE TO LOVE!


The OHB painting was created in one single and simple stroke in Chinese ink by Goodwill Ambassador William Ho. The Simple Truth is that when we put our Love into simple Action, through our passionate hearts and creative minds, the whole world shall have more Hope.


The OHB spreads across cultures, languages, ethnicities, and age groups. Local OHB Societies charter works among their communities, respond to their needs, cultivate and share resources, and network

locally and globally. Very often, OHB Partners and Members inaugurate their OHB commitment and

membership by installing the OHB art piece in recognition of and/or committing to the Declaration of OHB Vision, Passion, Mission and Action.


William Ho, Creator of the One Heart Beat painting and One Heart Beat Award,

Founder and Goodwill Ambassador of the One Heart Beat around the World movement.


© by One Heart Beat.


Please click on the images for photos of the One Heart Beat Partners and Communities.

© 2024 by One Heart Beat

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